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Understanding of Acai Berry

Acai Berry is a small round black purplish fruit that looks like grape both in appearance and size though with a lesser pulp. Acai berry fruit has a single large seed, when the berries are ripe, the exocarp turn into a deep purple color or green depending on the type of acai berry as well as its maturity. The endocarp of the acai berry fruit takes about 80% of the fruit while the fleshy part of the berry is the mesocarp that contains the pulp which is of a uniform thickness. Acai berries are a very important component of food for the Amazon people of Brazil and it constitute and forty-two percent of the food intakes for the people of this region and the juice and pulp of this fruits have been found to be very useful and it is used as blends in various juices such as soda, smoothies and several other drinks.

Acai Berry, Organic - 12/32Oz Organic Acai Berry: GR

Acai berry has several health benefits such improving mental clarity, promotes sound sleep, supplies the body with vital vitamins, cleanse and detoxifies the body of toxins that are infectious, builds the immune system, enhances sexual desire and performance, help in fighting cancerous cell, reduces the aging process, it alleviates diabetes, helps it normalizing and regulating the cholesterol levels, helps in proper functioning of the heart, reduces inflammation, increases circulation as well as improves vision. Though Acai berry is just coming on stage in America circle but it has been around for many centuries and has been a source of healthy living to the many people especial the natives of Brazil. The right combination of nutrients eaten at regular intervals will help keep energy levels high. And the high concentration of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats in acai help to fuel activity while the high concentration of fiber helps to regulate blood sugar levels and keep energy levels higher for longer. The acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is a fruit that grows on the acai palm trees in the Amazon rain forest of Brazil. It is dark purple in color and about the size of a grape. It is extremely rich in nutrients. Natives of the Amazon region have made this berry a major part of their diet for hundreds of years. Approximately 10% of the berry contains edible pulp and skin and the remaining 90% is the seed or pit. Most of the nutrients come from the pulp and skin and the seed is normally not eaten. The fruit tastes like a vibrant mix of berries and chocolate. With rich nutrients and great taste, it is not surprising that this food is becoming extremely popular. In Brazilian herbal medicine, the oil of the fruit is used to treat diarrhea; an infusion of the root is used for jaundice and to build the blood; an infusion of the grated fruit rind is used as a topical wash for skin ulcers; and, the fruit seeds are crushed and prepared in an infusion for fevers. In the Peruvian Amazon, an infusion of the toasted crushed seeds is used for fever, and a decoction of the root is used for malaria, diabetes, hepatitis and jaundice, hair loss, hemorrhages, liver and kidney diseases, menstrual pain, and muscle pain. In Colombia, where the trees grow along the Pacific coast line, it is called naidí and the fruit is turned into a common and popular drink. Acai is used in many forms; Some of its main application are:

  • Beverages
  • Desert
  • Ice Cream
  • Cooking filling
  • Breakfast cereal
  • Aroma compound
  • Dairy product
  • Energy drink
  • Smoothies

Despite being extremely popular in Brazil, the acai berry has been relatively unknown in other parts of the world. However, recent media coverage of this amazing food has been touted on the Oprah Winfrey show, ABC, NBC and CBS news and other shows. It has also been featured in several books. In fact, Dr. Perricone calls this berry the number one super food in his book “The Perricone Promise”. The berry is extremely rich in antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. With 15-20 times the antioxidants as red grapes, it is one of best sources of antioxidants of any food. There are numerous benefits to acai. In summary, it can help. Despite being extremely popular in Brazil, the acai berry has been relatively unknown in other parts of the world. However, recent media coverage of this amazing food has been touted on the Oprah Winfrey show, ABC, NBC and CBS news and other shows. It has also been featured in several books. In fact, Dr. Perricone calls this berry the number one super food in his book “The Perricone Promise”. The berry is extremely rich in antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. With 15-20 times the antioxidants as red grapes, it is one of best sources of antioxidants of any food. There are numerous benefits to acai. In summary, it can help:

  • Promote weight loss
  • Boost energy & stamina
  • Support the immune system
  • Promote more restful sleep
  • Fight aging and inflammation
  • Protect against heart disease
  • Increase libido

Acai has an extremely high concentration of fiber and omega fatty acids. It also contains a healthy dose of amino acids, carbohydrates and vitamins. These nutrients have been shown to:

  • suppress appetite
  • reduce accumulation of body fat
  • boost metabolism
  • increase energy and stamina

Approximately 40% of the acai fruit is fiber. There are many benefits from fiber. Since fiber tends to make a meal feel larger and linger longer, it acts as a natural appetite suppressant. And since it helps stabilize blood sugar, it helps keep energy levels stable and higher by preventing sugar crashes. This also helps reduce accumulation of body fat by preventing insulin spikes which can turn excess blood sugar into fat tissue. The omega fatty acids, fiber, amino acids and vitamins in acai can also help to boost metabolism. And a boost in metabolism can help burn more calories — even at rest. Combined with a proper diet and exercise, the various nutrients in acai can be a great aid to weight loss and better overall health.

Many celebrities use Acai Berry to get that awesome figure and maintain it.

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