May 6, 2009
Top 3 Tips on How To Prevent Your Child From Obesity
Today many parents are anxious about their children’s obesity and obesity-related health issues. They do not know how they can get their children into active lifestyle. If you are also from those parents and are looking for effective solution then read on this article that will highlight the main “ingredients” of healthy lifestyle for your kids and all family.
Here are top 3 tips every mom should consider for her kids:
It is important to follow a healthy diet with all family. Get your children into eating healthy foods from their early ages. Natural foods, particularly fresh fruit and vegetables are vital for their health. Also try to give them 1-2 glasses of freshly squeezed orange, apple, carrot juice. If your child is already overweight or obese, then give him/her a cup of fresh pineapple juice on an empty stomach every morning.
Note: Do not mix juices of different fruits. They should be drunk separately in order to get maximum benefits from each.
Avoid using too much salt or sugar while cooking meals. These foods are not only very harmful for health, but also cause obesity. Not to mention other health issues your kids may have due to excessive consumption of salt and sugar.
Also keep your children away from any fast food.
Try to always keep your children active throughout a day. Every parent should find out the main interests of his/her kids. Discover your children’s favorite sports and get them into these physical activities. For example, your child may be involved in sports team games such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis. Also allow your kids to play outdoors with their friends. Or you may entertain them with various family events or activities.
Or the other idea to keep your children physically active is to involve them in helping you with house work.
Also do not forget to go for a walk on a regular basis. Everyone, no matter children or adults should walk for at least 30 minutes a day in order to provide body with abundant oxygen and vitamin D coming from the sun.
You may also picnic with all family.
Reducing the time your children spend in front of TV or computer is also all-important moment for every parent who wants their kids to be healthy and away from obesity. Watching TV or working on PC for a longer time every day may lead to a number health issues for your children: vision problem, hair loss, weakened concentration and memory, as well as overweight or obesity. Recent studies have proven that the children sitting in front of TV or PC for 5 or more hours a day are at higher risk than those who are spending only 2 hours or less a day.
So try to keep away your children playing PC games for hours a day. This has turned a big challenge for many parents, but the trick is to keep your children so busy and active that they get too tired to sit at their PC. Besides, try to reduce the period of watching TV for all family. In this way, you will save not only your health, but also valuable time and hard earned money.
For conclusion, it should be noted that it is smarter to offer your kids the activity/event which he likes or is interested in. Experts recommend parents to avoid any force or pressure on their children. Do not forget that children don’t like when they are forced to do something.
There is simple solution you may apply in this case. Try to be active yourself first! Our children are always attentive to every detail of our daily lifestyle. Therefore they will surely notice any changes in your daily life and will join you if they find this interesting. In general, kids are trying to imitate their parents. So first become a live example for your child and then watch him. He/she will more likely get into an active lifestyle with you together.