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Written by Doctors and Medical Students.

Insomnia: A Syndrome rather than a Disease

Most of us come across hearing to people complaining about the difficultly they feel in getting proper sleep. This situation for a day or a couple of days would not be something problematic. But, if it continues to be more than that then the person is surely suffering from insomnia. To be more specific when a person finds it very difficult to get proper sleep, insomnia would be the answer for that. There are many reasons due to which insomnia is caused. The reasons can be both due to physical problems or mental ones.

Insomnia syndrome

Whatever reason it is, the basic factor that makes a person ill is stress, either mental or physical.

Physical stress might include heavy work load, change in the atmosphere where one sleeps, change in the timing of sleeping and sometimes lack of sleep continuously for two to three days would again make the person insomniac. Mental stress principally involves personal life. The reasons might be passing away of a very close person, highly intolerable and irritating relationships, breaking up of the relationships and sometimes unexpected news. To have general insomnia information regarding the reasons, consequences and treatment methods will help a lot to overcome this. Whatever the reasons be, when one tries to find a method to get a peaceful sleep, insomnia and its problems can be washed away.

The best method to treat insomnia would be to understand the reason due to which it is caused. Though it results due to lack of sleep, insomnia is a syndrome rather than a disease. Hence getting to know the cause of insomnia in every case is critical. By just following a few steps one can be relieved to tell good-bye insomnia and have nice sleep. Insomnia can again be treated by hypnosis and meditation rather than by using medicines.

You can get online for better help on understanding insomnia in a much better way rather than simply worrying about it. The major step is to find the root cause of the illness which might vary from one individual to another. You need to be very careful not to hear to others words and keep thinking that your problem would also be due to the same thing. This is very important as each of us has our own problems and our body reacts differently to different things. Therefore, consult a doctor immediately if you experience insomnia symptoms and then go for natural methods to cure up this form of disorder. Meditation has had its importance elsewhere and you need to well aware of this before you go for other medicines!

Effective Tinnitus Treatment Methods – Get Rid of the Buzz Today

Many people experience a ringing or hissing sound in their ears or head in the absence of any external sound; this condition is called tinnitus or ringing ears. It is an annoying and frustrating symptom of some other underlying disease. Some of the common causes include damage to the nerve endings, ear infections, presence of ear wax or any foreign particle, senility, continuous exposure to loud noise, abnormal serotonin levels and as a side effect of certain medications and drugs.


In most cases, tinnitus is treatable but make sure you consult an ear specialist for a correct diagnosis before taking any kind of treatment. Most sufferers prefer natural and alternative medicine for tinnitus treatment. Some simple natural methods include avoidance of caffeine, alcohol and smoking and also decreasing the intake of salt. Ear ringing is most noticeable when the surroundings are calm and silent especially at night, so play some soothing music which will enable you to fall asleep quickly.

Relaxation and breathing exercises are also beneficial for this condition. Another natural and very effective tinnitus treatment method that can be done at home is to apply a pack of hot roasted millet seeds and salt over the ear for ten minutes. Ringing ears which cannot be cured by natural remedies can be controlled with alternative medicine like homeopathy, aromatherapy and herbal medicine.

Homeopathy is an excellent choice for tinnitus treatment and provides immense relief from this condition forever. Homeo medicines that are usually prescribed for this condition include salicylic acid, kali iodatum, carbonium sulph and hydrastis. Some other tinnitus treatment methods include surgery, music therapy, electrical stimulation, cognitive behavioral therapy, photobiomodulation and the very recent neuromonics treatment method.

Ear ringing can be prevented to a large extent by taking some simple measures like periodic removal of ear wax and by wearing ear plugs or muffs if you live in a noisy neighborhood or have a job that exposes you to constant loud noise. This has to be taken seriously as leaving it untreated can worsen up the condition leading more problem in the future.

Tinnitus or ringing ears or ear ringing is a treatable condition in most cases but can be serious based on the underlying disease. There are many tinnitus treatment remedies available with most of them being based on natural and alternative medicine. Stop your suffering today by taking the remedy that suits your condition best. Start your treatments of remedial measures right from the beginning so that you need not worry at the end about it becoming a severe condition.

Coping with Eczema with Home Remedies

Eczema is a general term used for a cluster of skin diseases and is derived from the Greek word, meaning ‘to boil’. It is a chronic condition often characterized by inflammation, redness, and eruptions on the skin. The most common subjects of this illness are children and infants. In adults, it occurs mostly as an acute exacerbation of the chronic disease. It is a dreadful and irritating illness, mainly due to allergies, dry weather and poor food. Itching, redness, peeling of the skin and dryness are the most commonly expressed symptoms.


There are many ways present nowadays to tackle this ugly disease. You can choose modern medicine, alternative medicines like Homoeopathy, Unani, Chinese herbs, and Acupuncture to solve your problem. However, according to me the best solution to you illness is treating them with home remedies. It is cheap and easily available in your kitchen shelves. Moreover, anything extracted from nature is completely safe and harmless to the body.

Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies used for controlling eczema. Daily application of oil keeps the area smooth and clean. It is advisable to use them immediately after bath before dirt settles over the part. Exposing your eczematous lesions to mudpack is also beneficial. Make a mixture of sandalwood paste and camphor and apply to the area daily. This helps in curing eczema within a few months. Another useful remedy, which can be prepared at home, is by mixing turmeric powder and leaves of bitter neem. Spread it over the area affected until the symptoms decrease to a considerable extent.

Do you know that water is an important remedy in treating eczema? Many of them are not aware of this fact. Applying cold compress twice daily has found to have positive results in keeping a check on eczema. Another medicine used at home is a mixture of almond leaves and water. Procure some leaves of almond and mash them into a fine paste with water. Use this application on the skin two times a day for the best results. Rub nutmeg on a stone by adding a few water drops. Form a thick paste and apply it daily until the disease comes down.

Boil around 200 grams of mustard oil in an iron vessel and add fresh leaves of neem into the hot liquid. Keep on stirring the solution until the leaves turn black and then let it cool down. Strain the oil and use it four times a day, which helps in treating eczema. If you are having sever itching or irritation on the part, crush papaya seeds and spread it over the area for instant relief. You can also soak a cotton ball with witch hazel and dab it over the area to reduce inflammation.

Spearmint juice is very much effective in controlling skin diseases. Avoid using soaps, perfumes and harsh chemicals on the skin. Do not allow detergents to meet the affected part. Sunbathing is essential for a person suffering from this illness as it helps in killing the harmful pathogens present in the body. Practice skin wash everyday to attain speedy cure. You can prepare them at home using 1 teaspoon of white oak bark, slippery elm bark and water. Boil for around 30 minutes and clean the area daily.

The complete cure of eczema depends upon the chronic nature of the illness. Treat them at the earliest and obtain a lovely and radiant skin.

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